Ze Frank


Title Duration Published Consumed
Camels can drink salt water?! 2025-03-15 16:01
True Facts: Where Have All The Fireflies Gone! 2025-03-11 16:00
True Facts: How Camels Conquered the Desert 2025-02-27 16:31
Wanna hear an electric ray? #short 2025-01-11 17:00
Baby rays #short 2025-01-03 17:00
Crabs fear the stingray #short 2024-12-29 16:00
True Facts: Rays, The Floppy Sombreros of the Sea 2024-12-27 17:00
True Facts: How A Species Gets A Name! 2024-12-04 18:30
How ticks eat #short 2024-11-29 16:00
Wait for it... 2024-11-23 15:00
Creepy Dave Dachshunds 2024-11-22 19:45
Huskangerdongs 2024-11-18 17:10
Sand creatures #truefacts #short 2024-11-16 15:00
Huskangerdongs 2024-11-14 18:01
Creepy-fingered fruit bats #short 2024-11-09 15:00
Maddy the Wasp 2024-11-03 17:00
Some wasps are into caterpillars. Literally. 2024-11-01 16:00
True Facts: Parasitoid Wasps 2024-10-31 16:30
The Frogfish's Deadly Mustachio #short 2024-10-30 13:01
The Tale of Eric the Fruit Bat #short 2024-10-27 14:00
Don't French Kiss a Nudibranch #short 2024-10-25 15:00
Jellyfish have fish friends #shorts 2024-10-03 17:00
True Facts: How Jellyfish Hunt 2024-09-30 17:00
Snakes can crawl like this?! #short 2024-09-21 17:00
Snakes can fly (sort of) #short 2024-09-12 16:00
How snakes move (short) 2024-09-01 17:00
True Facts: How Snakes Move 2024-08-31 16:01
True Facts about the Frogfish (short) 2024-08-24 14:00
We're not going to talk about the Tasmanian devil 2024-08-17 17:00
August 16, 2024 2024-08-16 15:19
Baby echidnas when they hatch 2024-08-11 17:00
Why, koala, why? 2024-08-07 17:00
Badger claws are better than wolverine claws 2024-08-01 17:00
The echidna is a militarized whoopee cushion 2024-07-31 18:00
True Facts: The Echidna - Militarized Whoopie Cushion 2024-07-30 17:00
The Velvet Worm is Spider-Man 2024-07-28 17:00
Pigeons DON'T bob their heads #pigeon #truefacts #shorts 2024-07-21 17:00
Moths can jam a bat's sonar?! 2024-07-18 17:00
The eyes of the mantis shrimp #mantisshrimp #truefacts #shorts 2024-07-14 17:00
A byerd of prey #owls #truefacts #birdsofprey #predator #shorts 2024-07-11 17:00
Never be the back wombat #marsupials #truefacts #shorts 2024-07-07 17:00
All ribbon eels are born male #eels #truefacts #animals 2024-07-04 17:00
Edward Bowlingballhands #mantisshrimp #truefacts #shorts 2024-07-03 17:00
Freaky garden eels 2024-07-01 17:00
True Facts: Five Freaky Eels 2024-06-30 17:00
From cute to carpet made of #crabs #truefacts #shorts #crab #christmasisland 2024-06-29 17:00
How the kangaroo do #truefacts #shorts 2024-06-26 17:00
Pigeon video dating #pigeon #dating #truefacts #shorts 2024-06-24 17:00
The Stork's Bill plant can screw itself 2024-06-22 17:00
Plants that explode #plants #explode #truefacts #shorts 2024-06-21 17:00
True Facts: Plants That Explode 2024-06-20 17:45
A baby owl is a cotton ball that grew a face #owls #animals #truefacts 2024-06-19 17:00
The Drosera is death by lollipop hugging #drosera #plants #truefacts 2024-06-15 17:00
Octopus vs tiny hole #octopus #truefacts #animals 2024-06-12 17:00
Why the owl goes "hoo" #owls #truefacts #animals 2024-06-09 17:00
Venus flytrap vs fly #venusflytrap #carnivore #plants #truefacts 2024-06-06 17:00
The sawfish has the deadliest nose #truefacts #shorts #sawfish #rays 2024-06-05 17:00
These animals aren't actually dead #truefacts #shorts #opossum #animals 2024-06-02 17:00
Opossum Outtakes #truefacts #shorts #opossum #animals 2024-06-01 17:00
True Facts: Not-Dead Opossums and Their Weird Defenses 2024-05-31 17:00
Which voice is fake? #truefacts #shorts #noaa #deepsea 2024-05-30 17:00
The Trap-Jaw Ant stores what?! #truefacts #shorts #ants 2024-05-28 17:00
Pigeon Love #truefacts #shorts #pigeons 2024-05-25 16:00
Male anglerfish become just a pair of gonads 2024-05-23 16:43
Wanna see a whale shark retract its eye? #truefacts #shorts #eyes #whaleshark 2024-05-21 16:00
Pigeons are NOT mindless peckers #truefacts #shorts #pigeons 2024-05-19 19:00
What do you see? #mosquito #shorts #truefacts 2024-05-18 18:00
Tinder for pigeons #truefacts #shorts #pigeon 2024-05-17 18:00
True Facts: Pigeons Are Tricking You 2024-05-16 18:16
These baby birds are killers #truefacts #shorts #babybird #parasitoids #parasite 2024-05-15 17:00
How ticks make bebes #truefacts #shorts #tick 2024-05-12 18:00
This is one metal cricket #truefacts #shorts #cricket #tarantula 2024-05-10 17:00
Cheetah be like WTF?!? #truefacts #shorts #cheetah #warthog 2024-05-07 18:00
Elephant bebes are a handful #truefacts #shorts #elephant #cute 2024-05-04 19:00
Bees love balls #truefacts #shorts #bees #cute 2024-05-02 21:41
Is that mussel eating a fish? 2024-04-29 16:00
Wtf is that elephant doing? 2024-04-27 17:00
Bees like balls 2024-04-26 16:00
True Facts: Bees That Play With Balls And Do Math! 2024-04-25 17:00
Honey Badgers Vs. The World 2024-04-23 16:00
The beetle that comes back out the butt 2024-04-20 17:00
The hippo is not a modest pooper 2024-04-18 19:41
Emperor Shrimp eat... what?! 2024-04-13 16:00
True Facts: Shrimp #science 2024-03-28 20:08
True Facts: The Remarkable Adaptations of Shrimp 2024-03-28 16:00
True Facts: The Crazy Defenses of Butterflies and Moths 2024-01-28 18:05
True Facts: Crows That Hunt With Sticks 2023-12-29 17:45
True Facts: The Rise of the Kitten Snake 2023-12-14 17:40
Cristastamuses #animals #animal #creepydave 2023-12-03 21:33
True Facts: Frogs That Hide Their Blood 2023-11-29 18:00
Organgatongs @SanDiegoZoo @sdzsafaripark 2023-11-23 17:08
Crabs that wear anemones on their butt. #animals #truefacts 2023-11-01 19:27
True Facts: Incredible Crab Stories 2023-10-29 15:40
Goldardedanretriverdad #CreepyDave #goldenretriever 2023-10-21 17:20
Halalloweenses #CreepyDave 2023-10-18 18:22
Berdadadarrgon #creepydave #animal 2023-10-04 18:18
Greatehdaneh #creepydave #greatdane 2023-09-25 12:48
True Facts: Reef Coral is a Crazy Animal! 2023-09-21 17:30
Elephephelphelant 2023-09-11 23:39
Grifaffe 2023-08-31 17:09
Pitsbullses 2023-08-25 18:41
True Facts: Fish That Suck 2023-08-16 17:00
Hedgedehogedeh 2023-08-15 01:34
Armamadillo 2023-08-03 23:07
Chichihua 2023-08-01 15:28
Pergs 2023-07-26 22:03
True Facts: Elephants 2023-07-21 18:00
Okrapi 2023-07-13 00:30
Flamingoh 2023-07-09 23:01
Mantetes 2023-07-07 20:26
ferts 2023-06-29 21:07
Suction Feeding (stoppit) 2023-06-23 00:38
True Facts: The Curious Adaptations of Sharks 2023-06-21 15:47
Crapybarbra 2023-05-30 20:39
lioneses 2023-05-28 01:03
No...It's me! 2023-05-20 23:26
Forehand Backhand 2023-05-17 23:25
Creepy Dave 2023-05-16 23:57
True Facts Animal Awards: Tangle Worms, Creepiest Dave & Much More 2023-05-16 17:30
how could you not notice that? 2023-05-01 20:59
I Mess With The Fishes 2023-04-30 11:38
Cats in Therapy - Tofu 2023-04-29 16:37
True Facts: Fungi That Control The Insects They Eat 2023-04-28 17:31
True Facts: Hippopotamus 2023-03-31 17:31
True Facts Animal Awards: Best Worst Jumping and More 2023-03-15 16:32
True Facts: Mussels That Catch Fish 2023-02-28 18:00
True Facts: The Smartest Slime 2023-01-31 17:15
When The World Becomes Small 2022-12-14 17:41
True Facts: Animal Awards 2022-12-07 17:50
True Facts: Tarantulas 2022-11-19 18:12
True Facts: Sea Cucumbers 2022-10-07 18:22
True Facts: Parasitic Birds 2022-09-08 17:44
True Facts: The Self-Sacrificing Amoeba 2022-08-04 22:22