Endurance Planet

HPN 15: Is Keto Bad For Bone Health? Plus: The Risks of Intermittent Fasting For Female Athletes (And Why We Say ‘A Hard No’)

Endurance Planet

Welcome to episode 15 of Holistic Performance Nutrition (HPN) featuring Tawnee Gibson, MS, CSCS, CISSN, and Julie McCloskey, a certified holistic nutrition coach who you can find over at wildandwell.fit. On this episode: Anonymous asks: Is LCHF bad for bone health? Hi Tawnee and Julie. Long time listener and a few-times question writer— thanks for […]

The post HPN 15: Is Keto Bad For Bone Health? Plus: The Risks of Intermittent Fasting For Female Athletes (And Why We Say ‘A Hard No’) first appeared on Endurance Planet.

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