Darknet Diaries

63: w0rmer

Darknet Diaries

The hacker named w0rmer was active within AnonOps. These are Anonymous Operations which often organize and wage attacks on websites or people often with the purpose of social justice. Eventually w0rmer joined in on some of these hacking escapades which resulted in an incredible story that he will one day tell his kids.

Thanks to w0rmer for telling us your story.


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SourcesArchived Tweets

Feb 7, 2012 Twitter user @Anonw0rmer posts “@MissAnonFatale I managed to pwn1 a site , get my papers , find my required primary IDS , yeah baby, i deservers em :)”

Feb 8, 2012 1:17 AM, Twitter user @Anonw0rmer posted, “ROFL! WaS that us? https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/legal_affairs/hackers-group-posts-police-chiefs-information-online/article_77f79fd5-f76f-5825-ae19-43a398361fdf.html o yeah oops #OpPigRoast #CabinCr3w”

Feb 9, 2012 12:35 AM, Twitter user @Anonw0rmer posted, “DB Leak http://dps.alabama.gov https://pastehtml.com/view/bnik8yo1q.html”. The bottom of this post originally showed this NSFW image.

Feb 9, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Twitter user @Anonw0rmer posted, “Mobile Alabama Police Criminal Record Database Logins Failing To Protect And Serve I Via @ItsKahuna I http://pastehtml.com/view/bnmjxxgfp.html #OpPiggyBank.”

Feb 9, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Twitter user @CabinCr3w posted, “Texas Dept. of safety Hacked By @AnonWOrmer for #OpPiggyBank http://bit.ly/x1KH5Y #CabinCr3w #Anonymous” Bottom of pastebin also shows a woman holding a sign saying “We Are ALL Anonymous We NEVER Forgive. We NEVER Forget. <3 @Anonw0rmer”

Feb 10, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Twitter user @Anonw0rmer posted, “My baby SETS standards ! wAt U got? https://i.imgur.com/FbH2K.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zsPvm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/S2S2C.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TVqdN.jpg #CabinCr3w”.


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