Intro: Lucho is LiveStreaming on Twitch. You can contact him there and ask any questions (or make fun of him 😉 Tawnee’s Quarantine Bike/Run/ST Brick Each 20’ bike is executed as the following, increasing intensity each set as desired: 5′ warmup 10′ low cadence climbing/rolling hills 5′ high cadence 90+ (note- the actual intensity/watts/HR on […]
The post ATC 311: Badass Bricks, Data Anxiety, Training For Life vs. A Race, The ‘1/5 Rule’ For Bike-Run Balance, and More! first appeared on Endurance Planet.📆 2020-05-01 15:00 / ⌛ 01:19:01
📆 2020-04-03 15:00 / ⌛ 01:07:30