Endurance Planet

HPN 21: Fall Seasonal Food Guide (Try These 5!), Plus: The Latest Publications on Vegan Diets, Bone Density and Iron Deficiency for Female Athletes

Endurance Planet

Welcome to episode 21 of Holistic Performance Nutrition (HPN) featuring Tawnee Gibson, MS, CSCS, CISSN, and Julie McCloskey, a certified holistic nutrition coach who you can find over at wildandwell.fit. On this episode: Intro: Julie went on a solo backpacking trip! The calorie-dense foods that she eats during a trip like this include: Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese […]

The post HPN 21: Fall Seasonal Food Guide (Try These 5!), Plus: The Latest Publications on Vegan Diets, Bone Density and Iron Deficiency for Female Athletes first appeared on Endurance Planet.

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