Creating Space Project

Not Entirely Greek

Creating Space Project

Theoni describes a family meeting in which her father reveals that his mother was Aboriginal. The discovery of this story of who she is has powerfully shaped the woman she is becoming and what it is that she wants from her life. 

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Creating Space Project

Standing Your Ground @ Creating Space Project

📆 2016-06-27 04:03 / 00:18:17

Creating Space Project

Interview with Jeanne Ringwald @ Creating Space Project

📆 2016-06-16 07:27 / 00:13:19

Creating Space Project

Interview with Vyllianna Jattan @ Creating Space Project

📆 2016-06-10 09:18 / 00:13:01

Creating Space Project

Interview with Sr Helen Sullivan @ Creating Space Project

📆 2016-06-04 10:08 / 00:13:53