Programming Throwdown


Programming Throwdown

In another duo episode, Jason and Patrick give an in-depth introduction to trees, their many types, approaches and functions, and their importance in modern programming. Also, peppered throughout the episode are the games, books, tools, and ideas that have currently piqued their interest.

This episode touches on the following key topics and ideas:

00:00:17 Avoiding drama at work

00:07:10 News: C++20 (7:10)

00:09:37 News: Play Co-op Diablo II in the browser

00:12:58 Wreckfest

00:15:07 Kaboom

00:17:45 The future of remote work

00:24:46 Jason’s Book of the Show: Debt: The First 5000 Years

00:27:08 fractional-reserve banking

00:31:30 DeFi, distributed finance

00:33:08 Patrick’s Book of the Show: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the Illustrated Edition

00:35:49 (Ad) Audible

00:37:05 Jason’s Tool of the Show: Vagrant

00:41:04 Patrick’s Tool of the Show: Zach Gage Games

00:45:03 (Ad) ConfigCat

00:46:03 feature flags

00:47:03 Trees: why are they important? 

00:49:43 The divide and conquer approach

00:51:34 The agglometric approach

00:55:57 Choosing the right tree and algorithm

00:57:56 Keeping trees balanced

01:01:10 binary trees

01:02:52 binary trees and machine learning

01:05:28 b-trees

01:10:04 spatial trees: the k-d tree

01:16:50 k-d trees and multidimension

01:18:42 quadtrees and octrees

01:21:44 r-trees

Resources mentioned in this episode:





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