The Psychology of Eating Podcast

The Evolutionary Reason the Human Body Craves Carbs with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

The Evolutionary Reason the Human Body Craves Carbs

Marc David, visionary, teacher, and consultant in the novel field of Eating Psychology, explains why the human body has evolved to crave carbs, and how this has helped us survive and adapt over the ages. Now, however, our modern lifestyles have created a bio-rhythmic confusion where our environment has changed but the urge to consume carbs has not. Check out this podcast to know how carbohydrates fool the body and what you can do about it.

Key Insights:
check mark button There is an evolutionary reason for the human body craving sugar and looking to instinctively load up on carbs whenever available. The body evolved to eat during summer and during times of plenty to ride out hard winter times.
check mark button This instinctive human urge has not changed though the availability of carbs has. Carbs fool the body and make us consume more than the body can metabolize.
check mark button Hibernating animals such as bears demonstrate this behavior of fattening up during the plentiful summer months to tide over the lean winter months. Here, the high blood pressure and diabetic state actually help in survival.
check mark button In our modern lifestyles, we consume carbs all around the year, signaling the pre-hibernation stage to the body. This, along with artificial light and less sleep, causes the body to store fat and prevents the body from reaching its metabolic potential.
check mark button Changing the quantity and quality of carbs consumed, and making changes in sleep patterns helps the body relinquish its fat stores. Learning what works best for your body will help you make the most informed choices.
With his dual training in clinical nutrition and psychology, Marc David has spent the last 40 years helping people around the world heal their relationship with food. As the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, he reaches millions each year through his books, speaking engagements, celebrated podcast series, and his internationally-acclaimed Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training. 
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