Ruby Rogues

Episode 529: Models in Migrations? and a Year of Open Source Contributions with Jake Yesbeck - RUBY 504

Ruby Rogues

Jake Yesbeck joins the Rogues this week to talk about how to handle models and data migrations in your Ruby on Rails applications. He and the Rogues discuss the pros and cons of including models in your Rails migrations and the strategies for migrating data as part of migrating your database structure.

The panel then dives into Jake’s year of contributing to open source each day. What he learned and what he gained from making a contribution every day of an entire year to open source.


  • Charles Max Wood
  • Darren Broemmer
  • John Epperson
  • Luke Stutters


  • Jake Yesbeck




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Contact Darren:

Special Guest: Jake Yesbeck .

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Ruby Rogues

Episode 524: Episode 500 - RUBY 500 @ Ruby Rogues

📆 2021-06-02 12:00 / 01:09:17