Future Commerce Podcast: eCommerce, DTC and Retail Strategy

Bye Bye, Third Party Data Tracking (feat. Ben Parr, President and Co-Founder of Octane AI)

Future Commerce Podcast: eCommerce, DTC and Retail Strategy

Facing the Cookiepocalypse

  • Octane AI is the zero-party data platform for Shopify and eCommerce brands. 
  • “We help stores and brands collect super valuable insights on their customers in a very direct opt-on kind of way and use that information to personalize the shopping experience.” -Ben
  • How can brands bounce back from the cookiepocalypse? Stop depending on others and own your data.
  • “Stop renting the relationship that you have with your customer from Facebook and Google and other platforms and collect data and build your own data profile, your own buyer profile of your customer… Octane AI is entirely built around collecting data and getting more explicit opt-ins and leveraging that data for better conversion rates and better personalization.” - Ben
  • The beauty of zero-party data is that brands can leverage it in any way because their customers voluntarily gave it to them.
  • “A salesperson’s job is not to persuade, a salesperson is not a persuader. A salesperson is a facilitator of next steps.” -Phillip 
  • When looking at all these tools and apps we use, they shouldn’t be viewed as methods of persuasion, but as facilitators for the next steps.
  • “The center of great AI is collecting data and having great data sets.” -Ben

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