Grey and Brady discuss: autoplay on YouTube and Netflix, the Hello Internet / Star Wars / Zoo day, link roulette, death (yet again), the UK general election and the nature of democracy and representation.
Harry's: Quality Men's Shaving Products. Promocode HI for $5 off your first purchase
Backblaze: Online backup for $5/month
Grey: Primary Elections Explained
How to turn off YouTube autoplay
Photos from the day at the zoo
📆 2015-04-28 22:27 / ⌛ 01:54:32
📆 2015-04-13 20:37 / ⌛ 02:38:32
📆 2015-03-30 10:31 / ⌛ 01:42:58
📆 2015-03-17 00:33 / ⌛ 01:57:41
📆 2015-03-02 13:27 / ⌛ 01:56:01