Farming Today

Young people in rural areas: outpriced and overlooked; bee foraging research, funeral barrow

Farming Today

Young people in rural areas feel outpriced and overlooked, and it's having an impact on their mental health. That's the conclusion of a survey by the countryside charity the CPRE. It surveyed 1,000 people between the ages of 16 and 25 in the countryside, and highlighted house prices, lousy public transport and poor connectivity as problems, all of which increase feelings of loneliness and isolation. Scientists at Royal Holloway College in Surrey have studied bees' waggle dances, which is how bees communicate where pollen can be found. They used them to work out how far a bee is prepared to go. We talk a lot about farms diversifications on the programme, from B&Bs to woodland burials, but a farm in the English midlands has looked back about 2,000 years for inspiration and built a bronze age style funeral barrow as an addition to their 70 acre livestock farm. Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

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