Entrepreneurs on Fire

“Get Un’flipped’” & Learn To Perform At Your Peak with Wylie McGraw

Entrepreneurs on Fire

Former pitcher, bull rider, and combat veteran. Wylie’s work is the “Navy SEAL Training” equivalent to high performance development, pushing leaders beyond their limits so they hit their peak daily.

Top 3 Value Bombs:

1. Peak performance is a state that we need to attain not a destination to achieve.

2. We’re never going to get rid of fear itself, but we can manage the natural energy of fear that we are born with.

3. Allow yourself to be more vulnerable and surrender to things that challenge you.

Check out Wylie’s website and pick up the phone and connect with him - Time To Erupt


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Entrepreneurs on Fire

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📆 2021-12-09 10:30 / 00:24:01