Hey, everyone! Please continue to send me in your mental health success stories both big and small. I have a few good ones, but I want more! I will be reading them on the next episode, which is freakin' episode 50!!! SO AWESOME WTFBBQ!!!
Ahem. Here are today's questions.
You can send me your questions and success stories to duffthepsych@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
📆 2017-02-01 06:00 / ⌛ 00:27:36
📆 2017-01-25 06:00 / ⌛ 00:33:43
📆 2017-01-18 06:00 / ⌛ 00:35:45
📆 2017-01-11 06:00 / ⌛ 00:41:27