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From Obama to Trump: what's next for US foreign policy? [Audio]

Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio

Speaker(s): Professor Charles Kupchan | Editor's note: We apologise for the poor quality audio in the Q and A. From 2014-2017 Professor Kupchan served as Special Assistant to the President for National Security in the Obama White House. Here he explores how America’s international priorities and policies will be affected by the new administration. Charles Kupchan is Professor of International Affairs in the School of Foreign Service and Government Department at Georgetown University. He is also Whitney H. Shepardson Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and was Director for European Affairs on the National Security Council during the first Clinton administration. He is the author of numerous books and articles on international and strategic affairs. Peter Trubowitz (@ptrubowitz) is Professor of International Relations and Director of the US Centre at LSE. The United States Centre at LSE (@LSE_US) is a hub for global expertise, analysis and commentary on America. Its mission is to promote policy-relevant and internationally-oriented scholarship to meet the growing demand for fresh analysis and critical debate on the United States.

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