Ruby Rogues

Episode 227: 221 RR Sidekiq with Mike Perham

Ruby Rogues

Check out Angular Remote Conf and RailsClips!


03:15 - Mike Perham Introduction

03:43 - Sidekiq Overview

05:18 - Job Runners vs Queuing Systems, Background Jobs

08:47 - Performance

09:49 - celluloid vs Ruby Threads

11:47 - The GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)

12:49 - Passing Data

14:01 - Performance Boost From Using JRuby?

15:48 - The Actor Model

20:39 - Sidekiq Roadmap

  • Statistics & History

21:44 - Sidekiq Enterprise

27:58 - Sidekiq vs Resque

29:50 - Adding Features to Sidekiq

30:28 - “Unique Job”

31:17 - Idempotency

33:12 - Mixing In Other Data Stores

38:42 - Encoding

40:04 - Format

40:36 - The Active Job Adapter

41:23 - Making Open Source Viable and Sustainable

44:04 - Launching An Open Source Project


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Special Guest: Mike Perham.

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