Greater Than Code

Episode 005: Learning New Languages with James Edward Gray II

Greater Than Code

Panelists: Coraline Ada Ehmke | Jay Bobo | Sam Livingston-Gray | David Brady Guest Starring: James Edward Gray II Ruby Quiz faster_csv Gray Soft Inc. No Red Ink (Psst! They’re hiring!) Show Notes: 00:16 – Welcome to “PodcasTRON...” …we mean, “Greater Than Code!” 01:00 – James Edward Gray II’s Introduction 02:03 – #CastleGraySkull We are (currently) listener supported! Support us via Patreon! Thank you, Nate Vick, for your support! 07:59 – Interviewing James Edward Gray II: Implementing the LHC on a Whiteboard @ RailsConf 2016 (Slides) Engineering Interviews: Grading Rubric ( 15:14 – Transparency; Giving Honest Feedback Joe Mastey: Hiring Developers, with Science! @ RailsConf 2016 20:08 – Working with Elixir James Edward Gray II: The Most Object-Oriented Language 28:13 – Functional Programming vs Object-Oriented Programming Check out our new sponsorship page! 32:47 – Learning New Languages The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt 37:33 – “What is the best way to approach learning a new language?” ~ Nate Vick 41:39 – “What's going on with Codalyzed? Are any new videos on the way? Related: the first video discussed "less code"; has your focus on it changed as you've moved into new languages and their ecosystems?” ~ Trevor Bramble Greg Young: The Art of Destroying Software   Takeaways: David: Read the core documentation. (Module: Enumerable) Jay: Next steps for beginners: Barry Swartz: The Paradox of Choice TED Talk; Get social. Sam: It’s time to expand my brain again and learn a new language(s)! Coraline: Inspiration to go learn a new language as well. ^^ James: I am privileged to have the best friends on the Internet and have these discussions. Please leave us an iTunes Review! You rock. Transcript: CORALINE:  Hello and welcome to Episode 5. I want to apologize. We seem to be trying to get our stuff together over here and we keep mixing up the name of the podcast. I wrote it down today so I won't forget. Welcome to Episode 5 of PodcasTRON. I'm really happy to be here with Sam Livingston-Gray. SAM:  Hi. And you know, Coraline, I really hate to break it to you but I'm pretty sure the name of the podcast is Greater Than Code. CORALINE:  Don't fuck with me. SAM:  So without further ado, welcome Jay to the show. JAY:  I'm glad to be back and see everyone's beautiful faces. That actually doesn't work for podcasts, so I probably shouldn't say that. SAM:  Don't tell them we have video. JAY:  Let me pass this off to Dave. DAVID:  Good morning, and no, we don't have video. SAM:  This is not the podcast you're looking for. DAVID:  Coraline, do we have a guest today? CORALINE:  We do in fact have a guest today and this guest is going to save us from ourselves, I hope. There’s actually a very good chance you already know our guest today. He is James Edward Gray II, also known by his initials, JEG2. James is an expert in Sucko, a veteran in love, an outlaw in Peru. Sorry, my notes are all confused over here. Oh, here we go. He's a reformed Java and Perl developer, and James started the Ruby Quiz site back in 2004. He authored the faster CSV library in Ruby 1.8, which I've used in approximately 100% of my interviews, which became the real CSV library in Ruby 2. James was also an inaugural Ruby hero when the awards began in 2008. Then bunch of other stuff happened. Currently, he's live streaming, blogging, and posting lots of great stuff at and you can follow him on Twitter @JEG2. Hi, James. JAMES:  Am I on the right podcast? SAM:  Yes. Absolutely, you're on the right podcast. There is no other podcast but this one. JAMES:  I just wanted to know if I can have you guys introduce me like forever now. CORALINE:  James, there's so much we want to talk about. Most of that roll over about your house. Can you give us an introduction to exactly what you're doing over there?

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