Turning Pain and Adversity into Opportunity - BlogcastFM Backstage
This week on BlogcastFM Backstage, we revisit our interview with Alli Worthington. Greg comes to us from his bed in the Westwood Medical Center.
Here are some highlights from this episode:
- Why You Can't Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Actionsย

- How Greg Is Up to "Business as Usual" from a Hospital
- Doing Something Meaningful Despite the Circumstances
- Buying Business Off of Craigslist - And Where It Could Lead
- Your Circumstances Can Make You Bitter or Better
- An Update on The Instigator Experience
- Why We're Treating the Event Like a Theatrical Performance
- Turning Pain and Adversity into Opportunity
- Taking a Look at Asking Some Tough Questions
- Why Comparison is a Game that You Can't Possibly Win
- The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with the Right Peer Group
- Knowing When to Walk Away trom an Opportunity - Even When It Pays
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