How to Become Recession Proof with Charlie Hoehn
Charlie Hoehn was Tim Ferris's first full time employee. He's also worked with Ramit Sethi and Tucker Max. His name kept showing up in a number of different places so eventually I tracked him down and convinced him to make an appearance on BlogcastFM.
Here are just a few of the highlights from our chat:
- Why Charlie Decided to Forego the Potential for a $70K Job and Work for FREE

- Charlie's Virtual Internship with Seth Godin That Led to Tons of Opportunities
- The Things That Caused Charlie's Online Film School to Fail
- A Step-by-Step Walkthrough of How to Cold Email Famous People
- The 3 Key Things You Have to Do to Get Responses from Busy People
- How to Conduct a Self-Assessment of Your Skills
- Why You Don't Have to Be Paid to Practice
- The Importance of Having One REALLY Big Specific Goal
- The Power of Having an Attitude of Self-Discovery
- A Primal Reaction to Look for in the Search for Your Passion
- What You Can Learn from Creating a Beer Pong Table
- A Look at What It's Like to Work for Tim Ferriss
- The Launch Checklist That You Should Use for Anything
- The Importance of Rankings and Reviews
- The Advantage of Setting Up the Groundwork Long Before Your Launch
- Why You Need to Just Start Something
Resources and People Mentioned Include:
Tweetable Insights Include:
- Life's not about the goal. Life's about the process (Click to Tweet)
- You need to lay solid foundation for your life and career to live the four-hour workweek (Click to Tweet)
- This is the best time for you to become someone of value and start something (Click to Tweet)
Charlie Hoehn is the author of Recession Proof Graduate, a marketer for best-selling authors and startups, a videographer, a speaker, and a Twitter prodigy. You can follow him on twitter @charliehoehn.
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