The Essentials of Successful Content Marketing with Marcus Sheridan
A few years ago, I came across this "pool guy" named Marcus Sheridan who was finding his roar with a little blog called
The Sales Lion. Since we've had him here, the lion's roar has become significantly louder and people have started to listen. He's become somewhat of a household name in the online world. His wit and unique style have earned him the respect of some of the most prominent names in the industry.
Here are some highlights from our most recent chat:
- How Challenges in His Pool Business Led to Leveraging Content Marketing

- Why Teaching is an Integral Part of How Marcus Built His Brand
- A Simple Attitude that Will Help You Get Through a Struggle
- Why You Should Stop Wasting Your Time on Pointless Metrics
- What People Care About When It Comes to "Sexy" Content
- The Reason Awesome Content is Completely Subjective
- An Epic Rant On How to Create Killer Content
- Why Marcus Gives Away a 250 Page E-Book
- The Reason You Won't Know What You're Good at Until You Do It
- Why Marcus Never Approaches Any Conversation with The Goal of Sounding Intelligent
- The Tipping Points That Made Marcus Wildly Successful
- How Marcus Uses Assignment Selling To Qualify His Clients
- Why You Can Recycle Content That's Still Useful
- What It's Taken For Marcus to Get the "Popular Kids's Blessing"
- How to Spot People Who are In It for the Long Haul
Tweetable Insights Include:
- The #1 reason people fail online is death by comparison (Click to Tweet)
- The definition of awesome changes with every single subject we write about depending on who is interpreting whether it's awesome or not (Click to Tweet)
- The golden rule of digital marketing is "They ask you answer" (Click to Tweet)
- Never once I have gone into a single conversation or blog post with the goal of sounding intelligent (Click to Tweet)
- It's never my goal to make 10.00 an ebook. My goal is to make 10,000 dollars on a client (Click to Tweet)
- A blog or business it's not NASA. It doesn't have to be perfect when we launch it. (Click to Tweet)
Marcus Sheridan writes The Sales Lion blog, where he passionately writes about all things inbound as well as content marketing, small business, and life success principles. He’s published three self-help books and became a full-time web coach for businesses in 2010. You can follow him on twitter @TheSalesLion.
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