How to Brand Against the Machine with John Morgan
John Morgan's book
Brand Against the Machine came highly recommended from one of our listeners. So I decided to do some digging on his background and landed on his blog. After reading the book, I knew he would be a fantastic guest for the show.
Here are a few of the highlights from our chat:
- The Power of Tapping Into Your Existing Network

- Why You Have to Be Careful Not to Create a Job Instead of a Business
- The Importance of the Willingness to Ask for Help
- Knowing When to Work In Your Business and On Your Business
- How to Pay People with Opportunities and Referrals
- The Keys to Finding the Opportunity in Your Industry
- Why You Have to Challenge Popular Opinion
- Focusing on the 20% of the Population Who Loves You
- Why You Don't have to Stick to a Niche
- How John Got a Book Deal with Only 6 Blog Posts
- Knowing the Things that Put You in Your Zone
- Why You Should Model People's Behavior and Not Copy It
- A Look Into John's Writing Process and How He Hammered it Out In 2 Months
Tweetable Insights Include:
- We have to focus on distinction in a way of having a reason to exist (Click to Tweet)
- If no one knows you exist, it doesn't matter how great your product is (Click to Tweet)
- We have to provide a solution to people's problems. That's what's missing(Click to Tweet)
- If it takes you 3000 words to get your point across, you don't have one (Click to Tweet)
John Morgan is the Chuck Norris of branding and author of Brand Against The Machine
. He is also a speaker, consultant, and brand architect. You can follow him on twitter @johnmorgan.
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