The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Blogger Interview-Jonathan Mead@IlluminatedMind

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

It’s unlikely you haven’t heard of Jonathan Mead even if you have been a blogger for only a short time. In 2 years he’s made quite a name for himself and in this 45 minute interview he told me how he went from being a high school drop out to all the amazing things you’ll learn in this interview.
  • The problem with finding a fit in a traditional job
  • The importance of hunger and doing whatever it takes
  • Why you need to trust your own voice to build a cult following
  • The importance of taking risks and moving outside your comfort zone
  • Why a saturated space is not necessarily a bad thing and how to stand out in one
  • Being yourself because everyone is taken
  • The importance of discriminating in order to develop a connection with your audience
  • Why you shouldn’t underestimate soft productivity
  • A business model where the number of customers is limited in order to ensure quality
  • A strategic approach to getting the most out of your guest posts
  • The Paid to exist Program (Launching today)
  • And that was just in the first 20 minutes!!!!
Jonathan is the author of Illuminated Mind and a regular contributor to major personal development blogs such as Zen Habits. He is also the creator of the Paid to Exist program. You can follow him on twitter @JonathanMead

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