The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Tammy Strobel On Growing a Blog from 500 to 6500 Subscribers in 6 Months

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

If you haven’t heard of Tammy  Strobel from Rowdy Kittens, I recommend you go check her out. She has actually made other people famous just through association with her. Not only that, she’s up to some really awesome stuff. If you fancy the minimalist lifestyle, Tammy’s blog should be on your must read list.
  • How she turned a duty at her day job into Rowdy Kittens
  • The Media Circus and onslaught of literary agents that emerged after a feature in the NY Times
  • Why There’s enough of an audience to Build a blog Regardless of When you Started
  • How her blog went from 500 to 6500 subscribers in 6 months (this is awesome)
  • The power of laser focus when it comes to building your business
  • How She used a Weekly Post roundup to Connect with People (we should all be doing this more often)
  • Making a shift to creating content that is helpful
  • The Process of Launching a First Ebook with no mailing lists
Tammy Strobel blogs at RowdyKittens about social change through simple living and is the author of Simply Car-free: How to Pedal Toward Financial Freedom and a Healthier Life and SmallTopia.  You can follow her on twitter @rowdykittens

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