The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Mark Lawrence on Shameless Marketing, Retiring at 24 and Leaving the Template Life

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

I came across Mark Lawrence thanks to David Crandall at Heroic Destiny who wrote up a great list of 27 people he wanted to meet in real life. Naturally, any time somebody writes a list like this I pick it apart for new BlogcastFM guests :).  Mark caught my attention with some pretty interesting things that he’s been up to. Here’s some of the highlights from our conversation:
  • Why it’s the Best Time in History to be an Entrepreneur
  • The Body Paint Shameless Marketing Campaign that led a huge spike in traffic
  • The Importance of Value, Action, and Consistency
  • Overcoming the Challenges of Finding a Voice
  • Taking Your Online Relationships into the Real World
  • How He Left his day job and Started his First Mini-Retirement
  • Overcoming fear of deviating from the Template Life
  • The Power of the Blogging Community
  • Why He Doesn’t have Plans to Monetize
Mark Lawrence is a 24 year old inquisitive individual on a quest of adventure and life fulfillment. LifeStyle Ignition arose out of his complete shift in his values, way of thinking, and his life direction. You can follow him on twitter @igniteadventure.

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