The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Bud Hennekes(@aboundlessworld) on Writing For A-list Blogs and Staying True to Your Roots

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Bud Hennekes was somebody I spoke to prior the launch of BlogcastFM when I was running this series on my personal blog. Since then he's experienced some dramatic changes. He's currently the main writer forΒ  PluginID, a site that was run by Glen Allsopp, an A-list blogger. Here's just a few of the highlights from our chat:
  • The Challenges of Taking Over an A-list Blog
  • The importance of not having too many projects/focus
  • Maintaining morale when the traffic dives
  • Staying true to your roots and trusting your instincts
  • Tips on How to get on the Radar of A-List Bloggers in order to Build Relationships
  • Why You should Respond to Every Single Email
BudΒ  Hennekes writes for PluginID. You can follow him on Twitter @aboundlessworld.

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