99% Invisible

190- Fixing the Hobo Suit

99% Invisible

Superhero costumes for TV and film used to be pretty cringe-worthy. Lately, however, super outfits are looking much better. Costume designers are learning new tricks, and using better technology, but there has also been a change in attitude. They are … Continue reading β†’

Next Episodes

99% Invisible

189- The Landlord’s Game @ 99% Invisible

πŸ“† 2015-11-18 05:41 / βŒ› 00:13:49

99% Invisible

188- Fountain Drinks @ 99% Invisible

πŸ“† 2015-11-10 19:58 / βŒ› 00:30:26

99% Invisible

187- Butterfly Effects @ 99% Invisible

πŸ“† 2015-11-04 02:20 / βŒ› 00:15:43

99% Invisible

186- War and Pizza @ 99% Invisible

πŸ“† 2015-10-28 01:36 / βŒ› 00:16:13

99% Invisible

Radiotopia Forever- Coin Check @ 99% Invisible

πŸ“† 2015-10-23 07:15 / βŒ› 00:17:59