Entrepreneurs on Fire

How to Carve Your Own Path and Live Your Best Life with Laura Gassner Otting

Entrepreneurs on Fire

Laura speaks with change agents, entrepreneurs, investors, leaders, and donors to get them past the doubt and indecision that consign their great ideas to limbo.

Top 3 Value Bombs:

1. Ignore everyone else in your life who is defining success; figure out YOUR definition and your calling.

2. If you don't have goals that excite you, then you are not setting your goals high enough.

3. Figure out what you want and how you define success, and then lean into it.

Take Laura's quiz that will walk you through each of the four C's: calling, connection, contribution, and control - Limitless Life Assessment


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Entrepreneurs on Fire

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📆 2019-03-07 10:30 / 00:28:37