JavaScript Jabber

Episode 365: JSJ 361: Enough with the JS Already with Nicholas Zakas

JavaScript Jabber



  • AJ O’Neal
  • Joe Eames
  • Aimee Knight
  • Charles Max Wood
  • Chris Ferdinandi

Joined by Special guest: Nicholas Zakas


Nicholas Zakas discusses the overuse of JavaScript and the underuse of HTML and CSS. The panel contemplates the talk Nicholas Zakas gave 6 years ago about this very same topic and how this is still a problem in the development community. Nicholas expounds on the negative effects overusing Javascript has on web applications and the things that using HTML and CSS do really well. The panel talks about the need for simplicity and using the right tool to build applications. Nicholas recommends the methods he uses to build greenfield applications and to improve existing applications.



Chris Ferdinandi:

AJ O’Neal:

Aimee Knight:

Charles Max Wood:

Joe Eames:

Nicholas Zakas:

Special Guest: Nicholas C. Zakas.

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