TWiT 717: Foursquare for Drunks

This Week's Stories
- Microsoft Build Preview
- Microsoft's Privacy Reputation: How Deserved Is It?
- Surface Studio Pros and Cons
- Facebook's Privacy Problems on Display at F8
- Tik Tok: Facebook Killer or Just the Next Vine?
- The Broken World of Social Media
- Is Instagram Spying on Me?
- Should Mark Zuckerberg be Personally Punished for Facebook's Failings?
- Google Down on Earnings Report
- Google I/O Preview
- Attack of the Voice Assistants
- Apple App Store Insanity
- Apple Up on Earnings Reports
- Surface vs MacBook vs Chromebook
- Folding Phones are Still the Future: How Far in the Future Remains to be Seen
- Who Wants Wearables?
- How to Auto-delete your Google Location Info
- 2020 Presidential Candidates' Email is Surprisingly Easy to Hack
- ACLU Sues US over Warrantless Border Phone Searches
- Video Game Hall of Fame Adds Solitaire and Mario Kart
- RIP Anki and Jibo :(
- Screaming Roomba
- Verizon Wants to Sell Tumblr After Destroying It
- The Internet vs Sonic the Hedgehog
- AR Brings 5 Madonnas to Life
- Firefox Extensions Down After Glitch
- Visit for National Mental Health Awareness Month
Host: Leo Laporte
Guests: Louise Matsakis, Ant Pruitt, and Daniel Rubino
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