The Smartest Man in the World


The Smartest Man in the World

In another live show from the Gilded Balloon in Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Greg sounds off on Southern authors, superhero movies and skeleton keys.  See for privacy information.

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The Smartest Man in the World

The Burritos of Edinburgh @ The Smartest Man in the World

📆 2019-08-19 09:00 / 00:54:05

The Smartest Man in the World

Cotlets @ The Smartest Man in the World

📆 2019-08-12 09:00 / 01:33:47

The Smartest Man in the World

Punches @ The Smartest Man in the World

📆 2019-07-29 23:28 / 01:30:09

The Smartest Man in the World

Meters @ The Smartest Man in the World

📆 2019-07-23 20:48 / 00:56:52