The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

Ep. 227: What Is Social Construction? (Hacking, Berger) (Part Two)

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

Continuing Ian Hacking’s The Social Construction of What (1999) and Peter Berger's “Religion and World Construction" (1967).

We break down Hacking's typology of construction arguments: Are they exploring where our ideas came from or trying to change things? Are they trying to state facts about nature vs. nurture or essentially political solicitations for us to reconceptualize in healthier ways? Plus, more about the supposed divide between science wars and the culture wars and Berger's picture of the nomos (custom) defining what it is for us to live a meaningful life.

Start with part one, or get the full, ad free Citizen EditionPlease support PEL!

End song: "The ConstruKction of Light, Part 1" by King Crimson; listen to Mark with Trey Gunn on Nakedly Examined Music #21.

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