The Phileas Club - S1. Islam for dummies.
Do you ever get tired of thinking in stereotypes and inaccuracies? I know I do, and my knowledge of Islam certainly is vague... but here's an idea: how about sitting down with a Muslim and asking him all sorts of candid questions? Simple enough, right? But maybe you don't have a Muslim right next door to ask him yourself. Well, fear not! The Phileas Club is here to help.
We asked Turki (our resident Saudi panelist) to take us on a tour of the Muslim faith. I also asked Scott (from Utah) to join the discussion and help us ask the best questions we could.
And to make this show even more special we enlisted the help of twitterers around the world, too! Thanks go out to all of those who were kind enough to answer the "instant questions" I asked.
So we hope you'll learn a thing or two about Islam in this episode (or at least that you'll have fun listening to Scott and I make fools of ourselves) and we'll try to bring you more "for dummies" specials in the future.

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