Forage to snowbound Italy, banking report on young farmers, dairy AMR, stray sheep.
Two brothers from Staffordshire have launched their own humanitarian operation to help farmers in the snow-struck region of Italy where earthquakes caused the avalanche which buried a hotel. Phil and Andrew Jennings are driving hay and silage to Teramo in the Abruzzo region, where it will be distributed to farmers who are desperate to feed and house their cattle.
A report published by Natwest and The Royal Bank of Scotland reveals that younger farmers have been facing serious and 'unnecessary' challenges which have an impact on the whole farming industry. It's now asking whether the banking sector could work together to unlock more opportunities for younger farmers post-Brexit.
A new initiative which aims to reduce antibiotic use in the dairy industry has seen farmers, in collaboration with the University of Bristol, come up with their own answers to the issue.
Sheep are rather prone to straying into places they shouldn't, especially if fences aren't up to scratch. Forests are particularly attractive, with good shelter over the winter months, and access to new plantations of tasty young trees. But now Forest Enterprise Scotland say they've had enough of unwanted sheep in their woodlands.
Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Beatrice Fenton.