Dave Karow is a developer evangelist for Split. He dives into how you can deliver software sustainably without burning out. His background is in performance and he's moved into smooth deliveries. He pushes the ideas behind continuous delivery and how to avoid getting paid to stay late in "free" pizzas.
AJ O’Neal
Aimee Knight
Charles Max Wood
Dan Shappir
Dave Karow
Taiko - free and open source browser test automation
"The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today!
Aimee Knight:
Dan Shappir:
AJ O’Neal:
Charles Max Wood
Dave Karow:
Follow JavaScript Jabber on Twitter > @JSJabb
Special Guest: Dave Karow.📆 2020-03-17 11:00 / ⌛ 01:18:03
📆 2020-03-17 11:00 / ⌛ 00:42:08
📆 2020-03-10 14:00 / ⌛ 00:42:33
📆 2020-03-10 12:00 / ⌛ 00:29:48
📆 2020-03-03 12:00 / ⌛ 00:50:44