JavaScript Jabber

JSJ 469: The Case for JavaScript Iterators and Generators, part 2

JavaScript Jabber

This is the follow on to the episode first recorded regarding JavaScripts iterators and generators. Dan takes the lead and picks up from last time. The panel discusses how JavaScript uses and implements iterators and where people are likely to see them. Then they dive into generators and briefly discuss the concept and their uses.


  • x = {[Symbol.iterator]() {let i = 0;return {next: () => ({done: i >= 10,value: i++})};}};
  • for (const v of x) console.log(v);
  • console.log([…x]);
  • console.log(…x);
  • function* g() {for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) yield i;}


  • AJ O'Neal
  • Charles Wood
  • Dan Shappir




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