Farming Today

22/05/21 Farming Today This Week: Australia tariff-free trade deal, peat action plan, access to the countryside

Farming Today

British farmers are furious and talking of a "betrayal" by the Government on a potentially tariff-free trade deal with Australia. They say a big increase in imports of Australian beef and lamb could cripple British producers who would be undercut by meat produced to lower welfare standards. The Government announced its England Peat Action Plan, with proposals to restore damaged dry peatland which releases carbon dioxide to a wetter state, which locks in carbon. The Wildlife Trusts' chief executive Craig Bennett said the initial target to restore 35,000 hectares was disappointing. Over the last year, rural areas of the UK have have seen a massive rise in the number of visitors, especially when lockdown rules have prevented people travelling abroad. We look at access to the countryside, and the pressure that can bring to those who live and work there. Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

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