The Minimalists Podcast

294 | Birthday Gifts

The Minimalists Podcast

Joshua and Ryan talk about gift-getting, gift-giving, and birthday celebrations for adults and kids alike with podcaster and Registered Dietitian Rebecca Shern, and they answer the following questions:

What does Joshua want for his birthday? (00:00)

Why do we never seem to know what we truly want? (04:06)

Instead of spending lots of money and giving expensive gifts, what are some meaningful ways to celebrate birthdays? (06:22)

How do you celebrate your childโ€™s birthday? (07:27)

What if gift-giving is one of my love languages? (11:14)

How do you celebrate your birthday? (14:57)

Is gift-giving just a matter of simply asking others what they want? (17:31)

How do we appropriately address a loved one who insists on giving us gifts when weโ€™ve asked them countless times not to, and do we tell them that weโ€™ve actually given away most of the gifts theyโ€™ve given us? (18:20)

How do my spouse and I address the societal expectations of others regarding our choice of participation in traditional gift-giving events, such as birthdays and Christmas? (31:04)

Detailed show notes:

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