The Psychology of Eating Podcast

In Session With Marc David: A Young Woman Deals with Gluten Sensitivity

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

A Young Woman Deals with Gluten Sensitivity

Are you ready to transform your relationship with food in a lasting and meaningful way? What if you could help others find the path to greater freedom and joy with food as well?
Briana is a busy graduate student who lives with gluten sensitivity. While Briana doesn’t have celiac disease, she has all the markers of gluten sensitivity: bloating and stomach pain, fatigue, and mood fluctuations. She’s taken breaks from gluten before with amazing benefits but is struggling to let go of her love of gluten-based foods. Listen in as Marc David, Founder and Primary Teacher at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating works with Briana on practical strategies for managing her gluten sensitivity, while also helping her understand the important connections between stress and food sensitivities.
Key Insights:
check mark button Gluten-based foods are everywhere and they can be hard to give up. The first step in dealing with gluten sensitivities is recognizing you have them. This means tuning into your body as you’re eating a given food and noticing how you feel afterward. 
check mark button If you suspect you have a sensitivity to gluten, getting tested with your doctor or functional medicine practitioner is an important next step.
check mark button Symptoms of gluten sensitivity can include bloating, stomach pain, skin issues like breakouts, mood changes, lethargy, forgetfulness, and difficulty focusing. 
check mark button When we binge on food that makes us feel bad, a common response is to beat ourselves up. It’s important to acknowledge that giving up foods we enjoy is tough, and giving ourselves a hard time is counterproductive to changing our eating habits.
check mark button Finding support from others is also important as we retool our diet. Sometimes the people we love the most have a hard time supporting us as we make changes. While that doesn’t feel great, that doesn’t mean that others can’t be there for us. Look for those people and find the support you need and deserve.
With his dual training in clinical nutrition and psychology, Marc David has spent the last 40 years helping people around the world heal their relationship with food. As the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, he reaches millions each year through his books, speaking engagements, celebrated podcast series, and his internationally-acclaimed Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training. 
Are you experiencing unwanted food and body challenges? We invite you to post your questions and comments in the comment box below or get in touch with us directly.

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