Where is JAMstack and Dev Tooling Headed Today? - Putting JetPacks on Developers ft. Tejas Kumar - JSJ 514
Tejas Kumar joins JavaScript Jabber to discuss the advances in developer tooling and how it relates to ideas like the JAMstack to allow developers to move back and build larger applications with smaller teams. The discussion ranges over backend, frontend, and cloud technologies.
Aimee Knight
AJ ONeal
Charles Max Wood
Dan Shappir
Tejas Kumar
AJ - Why it's OK to Over-Engineer your Blog (https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-its-ok-to-overengineer-your-blog/)
AJ - 12 Steps to Better Code (https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/08/09/the-joel-test-12-steps-to-better-code/)
AJ - Nail it then Scale it (https://amzn.to/30RWKzQ) • Website (https://www.nailthenscale.com/)
AJ - The Phoenix Project (https://amzn.to/3r1OJDo)
AJ - webinstall.dev (https://webinstall.dev)
AJ - CreedsOfCraftsmanship.com (https://creedsofcraftsmanship.com)
AJ - Follow CoolAJ86 Live Streams:
YouTube (https://youtube.com/coolaj86)
Twitch (https://twitch.tv/coolaj86)
Follow Beyond Code:
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2KJHARTj6KRpKzLU1sVxBA)
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Dan - Wix (https://wix.com)
Dan - Improving The Performance Of Wix Websites (Case Study) (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/11/improving-performance-wix-websites-case-study/)
Aimee -Gentle introduction to GPUs inner workings (https://vksegfault.github.io/posts/gentle-intro-gpu-inner-workings/)
Chuck - TopEndDevs (https://topenddevs.com)
Chuck - Scylhe (https://amzn.to/3yUOWdr)
Chuck - Morgan Stanley (https://morganstanley.com)
Tejas - Xata (https://xata.io)
Tejas - Hasura (https://hasura.io/)
Tejas - Deathloop (https://amzn.to/3H5ZZU7)