Terrifying Robot Dog

Haptic Ceiling

Terrifying Robot Dog

We go deeper into the reality of virtual reality.

Haptic Ceiling

May 1st, 2015


Hello and welcome to Terrifying Robot Dog! Episode 4 for Friday, May 1st, 2015. I'm Jonathan Stark - and I'm Kelli Shaver - and we are here to talk about how technology is changing the way we interact with the world.

This week we go deeper into the reality of virtual reality.

Please stay tuned, Terrifying Robot Dog is next...


So, last week we talked about the VR sci-fi book Ready Player One, how it could eventually become reality, and what effects it might have on society. Well, it turns out we might have been underestimating the timeline.

  1. Ernest Cline's reaction to Oculus
    1. RPO came out before Oculus.
    2. EC was invited to try one and his reaction was, "if the RPO movie doesn't come out soon, it's not going to be sci fi."
    3. EC said he underestimated how fast VR would be available
  2. Hardware
    1. Oculus Rift
      1. Millions of dev units sold
      2. Rumoured to launch in 2015
    2. Samsung Gear VR
      1. $199 at BestBuy
    3. MicroSoft's HoloLens
    4. Sony's Project Morpheus (for playstation, apparently)
    5. SteamVR
  3. Haptic vest
    1. 3rd Space haptic vest
      1. $129 on Amazon (for pink ;))
  4. 360 Cams
    1. Google Business View photog at McBride's (that's me in the lumberjack shirt!)
    2. Facebook "sphere vids"
  5. Second Life is UNREAL
    1. After we recorded last week, I took a closer look at 2life and
    2. BOOM - right there on the front page, Oculus Rift support.
    3. I made an account and - OMG... totally NSFW.


That's our show for this week. I'm Jonathan Stark, and I'm Kelli Shaver, and we hope you join us again next week for Terrifying Robot Dog.


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