Episode 51: 051 JSJ Finding a Job
AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog)
Jamison Dance (twitter github blog)
Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up)
01:02 - Panelist employment backgrounds
04:34 - Programming job market
06:31 - How to get a job doing what you like
Skunkworks project
09:36 - Qualifications
11:40 - How you find jobs
Being active in online and offline communities
Mailing list advertisement
Recruiters and job boards
15:51 - Resumes
19:27 - Interviews
“I don’t know.”
24:50 - Company fit
095 RR People and Team Dynamics with Joe O’Brien
Contract to hire work
30:47 - What makes somewhere a good place to work?
40:32 - Freelancing
The Ruby Freelancers Show
Psych Season 7 (AJ)
The Fradio - MediaBox (AJ)
Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate Mechanical Keyboard (Jamison)
48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal by Dan Miller (Chuck)
No More Mondays: Fire Yourself -- and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work by Dan Miller (Chuck)
48 Days Podcast (Chuck)
From the Dust (AJ)
Next Week
Node.js 0.10 Release with Isaac Schlueter
[Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at Bluebox.net.]
[This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.]
CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 51 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have AJ O’Neal.
AJ: Yo! Yo! Yo! Chuck, did you realize that this is like our anniversary?
CHUCK: Our anniversary was in January actually. Though, we missed a handful of episodes. Otherwise, it would be. Yeah.
AJ: Yeah, whatever. I don’t know whether or not I'm alive. I don’t know when our anniversary is. I don’t know nothing.
CHUCK: [Laughs] We also have Jamison Dance.
JAMISON: Hey guys!
CHUCK: I'm Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv. And this week, we’re going to be talking about finding a job.
I'm a little curious. AJ, you're freelance now, aren’t you?
AJ: Yeah, kind of.
CHUCK: Kind of.
AJ: Mostly, I'm just working on projects that I've been wanting to work on. I haven't actually sought out a lot of work.
CHUCK: Oh, okay. And Jamison is empris -- or employed.
JAMISON: [Laughs] Or happily employed.
CHUCK: I'm freelance as well, been a freelance for a few years now. So, and I know that Tim went freelance. I don’t know if that stuck or not. It sounded like it has, at least, until he decides he wants to be somewhere else.
JAMISON: Merrick and Joe are both employed though.
CHUCK: Yeah. They both work at Domo.
JAMISON: They're like half and half, I guess, now.
CHUCK: So, how many places have you guys worked at as programmers?
AJ: I just worked at BYU and SpotterRF.
JAMISON: I have worked at four places. But one of them, I did PHP and Drupal. I don’t know if I could count that as a programmer then.
CHUCK: [Laughs] You plucked out the bad memories.
JAMISON: Yeah. Well, it was great for the time. It was [inaudible].
CHUCK: Yeah. I did IT at BYU. I didn’t ever actually work for them as a programmer. And then, I ran tech support at Mozy and I did programming there but it wasn’t part of my job description. My job description was to run the Tech Support Department. So, people would call in with problems with Mozy and we would help fix them. But we needed an Issue Management System, our ticketing system, whatever you want to call it. And we also needed some kind of knowledge base. And the company really didn’t want to spring for it. So, I wound up building it.
AJ: Cool! [Chuckles]
CHUCK: And that’s kind of how I made the transition into programming because after working on that for a while,