Episode 30: 030 JSJ Learning & Teaching JavaScript with Noel Rappin
Noel Rappin (twitter github blog)
Jamison Dance (twitter github blog)
Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript)
AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog)
00:52 - Works in training and talent development for Groupon
00:56 - Author of Rails Test Prescriptions and upcoming Master Space and Time with JavaScript
01:21 - Writing a book about JavaScript
02:33 - Focus of the book
Part 1: Jasmine and jQuery and the JavaScript Object Model
Part 2: Extended examples of jQuery
Part 3: Backbone
Part 4: Ember
03:46 - Self-published authors
05:15 - Approaches and mindsets to learning JavaScript
06:04 - “Gotchas!” and bad features in Javascript
09:17 - Modeling JavaScript for beginners
11:23 - (AJ joins the podcast)
11:42 - Resources/Classes for learning JavaScript
Good Parts Book: Douglas Crockford
JavaScript Patterns: Stoyan Stefanov
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming: Marijn Haverbeke
Maintainable JavaScript: Nicholas C. Zakas
13:54 - Hiring people with JavaScript experience at Groupon
15:12 - Training workshops
17:00 - Getting new hires up to speed quickly
21:38 - Book Learning
You can learn at your own pace
But it’s hard to ask questions to a book
22:51 - How Noel gained expertise in JavaScript
24:38 - Code reading and learning to program a language
26:18 - Teaching people JavaScript as their very first language
31:55 - Classroom layout
33:42 - Online training
Kahn Academy Computer Science
Code Academy
Starter League
40:00 - Finding a mentor
Stack Overflow
Shrines by Purity Ring (Jamison)
Learnable Programming: Bret Victor (Jamison)
Mob Software: Richard P. Gabriel & Ron Goldman (Jamison)
Monoprice.com (AJ)
ZREO: Zelda Reorchestrated (AJ)
The Official Twitter App (Chuck)
Fluid App (Chuck)
Try Jasmine! (Noel)
Justin Searls (Noel)
The Atrocity Archives: Charles Stross (Noel)
Futurity: A Musical by The Lisps (Noel)
NOEL: I’m trying to figure out where the chat is in this stupid Skype interface.
JAMISON: Just imagine the worst place it could possibly be and that’s where it is.
[This episode is sponsored by ComponentOne, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to wijmo.com and check them out.]
[Hosting and bandwidth provided by The Blue Box Group. Check them out at bluebox.net]
CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 30 of the JavaScript Jabber show! This week on our panel we have, Jamison Dance.
JAMISON: Hey guys!
CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from devchat.tv and this week, we have a special guest and that’s Noel Rappin!
NOEL: Hey everybody!
CHUCK: For the people who don’t know who you are, you want to introduce yourself, Noel?
NOEL: Sure. I currently work in training and talent development for Groupon. And I am the author of previously “Rails Test Prescriptions” and currently a self-published book called “Master Time and Space with JavaScript”, which you can get at noelrappin.com. I need to spell that out, right? N-o-e-l-r-a-p-p-i-n.com
CHUCK: So I’m little curious, before we get into the topic which is learning and teaching JavaScript, how did you get into writing a book about JavaScript? What’s your background there?
NOEL: You know, it actually relates to teaching and learning JavaScript. I think, I was like… a lot of long time web devs. I spent my first round as a web consultant in around, turn of the century 2000’s. I spent time trying to talk clients out of JavaScript stuff because it was such a pain in the neck. And I kind of got away from it for awhile and came back a couple of years ago to realize that basically, everything had changed and they were actually usable tools now.
And last summer, I was working with a… at that time, Special Guest: Noel Rappin.