Jay Oster (@KodeWerx), Core Engineer at PubNub talks with us about working with Web Crypto as well as the landscape of Cryptography today. What is on the horizon for client side security & Web Crypto?
PubNub - http://www.pubnub.com/
Web Crypto - http://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/
Netflix Polyfill - https://github.com/Netflix/NfWebCrypto
Stanford Polyfill - https://github.com/bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl/tree/version-0.8
melonJS - http://melonjs.org/
The interface for all WebCrypto functions - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto
PubNub Cryptography Demo - http://pubnub.github.io/pubnub-api/crypto/
PubNub blog post on Cryptography - http://www.pubnub.com/community/discussion/17/cryptography-and-encryption-of-data-streams-like-websockets-and-http-streaming
PubNub blog post on PKI and message authentication - http://www.pubnub.com/blog/chat-security-user-identification-with-digital-signature-message-verification/
Do you want to attend a conference with top level Angular speakers but can afford the cost and inconvenience in travelling? Angular Remote Conf is an online conference Sept. 24th through the 25th with live interactions, a dedicated forum, respected leaders in Angular, and best of all you never have to leave the comfort of your own home to attend.
The Web Platform Podcast listeners receive a 20% discount for https://angularremoteconf.com/. All you have to do is use "webplatform" as the coupon code at checkout to get your 20% off. This works for group tickets, standard tickets, and early bird as well. Head over to angularremoteconf.com and sign up ASAP to get the maximum savings
The Web Platform Podcast is a proud media sponsor of DevFest 2015. DevFest is a conference with Great Sessions and Code Labs on Android, Wearables, Polymer, AngularJS, Google Cloud Platform, Meteor and many others.
Show hosts Danny Blue & Erik Isaksen will be speakers and the event will be held at AOL Headquarters in Dulles VA Friday Sept 11th 2015 & Saturday Sept 12th 2015. For event registration details check out devfestdc.org and click on the eventbrite link. www.eventbrite.com/e/devfestdc-2015-google-developer-group-dc-tickets-17538373748 now!
Justin Ribeiro (@justinribeiro) - Wearables & HTML5 Google Developer Expert & Partner at Stickman Ventures
Erik Isaksen (@eisaksen) - Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies
Chetan Karande (@karande_c) - Senior Software Engineer at Omgeo
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