The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Relax and Burn Calories

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

In today's weight-obsessed culture, it's easy to feel pressured about having a certain body shape or size. Messages from family, peers, or the media often tell us we need to be thin to be happy, and we can even start internalizing these beliefs and beat ourselves up for not having the perfect look. Some people think that these continual reminders about how important it is to get rid of excess pounds will keep us motivated to stay on a diet or put in our daily gym time, but the reality is sobering. Consant criticism, whether it's coming from others or from ourselves, keeps us in a state of chronic stress about our weight, which produces a biochemical chain reaction in our body that actually makes it much harder to burn fat - and may even have the opposite effect. In this compelling new podcast episode, Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, explains why it's time to let go of fighting our bodies, and let the magic of life take over.

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The Psychology of Eating Podcast

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