Tara Sophia Mohr On Playing Big
Tara Sophia Mohr came highly recommended as someone to interview by several former BlogcastFM guests. So, I decided to do a bit of detective work and see what she was up to. As I had expected, she was up to some real amazing work and I knew that she would be a fabulous guest.
Here are some highlights from our chat:
- How Tara's Background in Non-Profit Work has Influenced Her Journey
- Moving On from a Fear-Based Career to Your Authentic Dreams
- Why People Will Have More Careers than at Any Other Time in History
- The Key to Determine What You Are Really Doing at Your Job
- What It Takes to Conduct Truly Useful Experiments for Your Business
- Tools and Techniques to Increase the Sales of Your Programs and Products
- The Importance of Doing the Math Behind Your Product
- Why You Need to Question if Writing is the Right Thing for You to Do
- How Tara Developed Her Flagship Course Playing Big
- The Key to Developing Programs and Products that Scale
Tweetable Insights Include:
- We can always change our lives from the inside out (Click to Tweet)
- There's things that are impossible to predict without testing (Click to Tweet)
- If you're not making a lot of money that's a moment to get curious (Click to Tweet)
- Do something that you think is going to be life changing for people (Click to Tweet)
- The more richly you live, the more content you'll have to share (Click to Tweet)
Tara Sophia Mohr is working to bring women's voices fully into our world, helping women play big, and advancing the idea that compassion is a form of wisdom. She loves writing, skies, and art. You can follow her on twitter @tarasophia.
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