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Cash: the future of money in the Bitcoin age [Audio]

Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio

Speaker(s): Dr Tatiana Cutts, Professor Nigel Dodd, Dr Eva Micheler, Dr Philipp Paech | The socio-economic debate surrounding money has advanced since the early metallist days of John Locke. Money is no longer viewed as an homogenous, neutral thing; rather, theorists are wont to emphasise its pivotal role in shaping networks of social relations. Yet, in many respects, the legal analysis of money is playing catch-up, and the advent of distributed online ecosystems such as Bitcoin and Ethereum has pushed to the fore some difficult questions concerning the appropriate legal lens through which to view money, and monetary assets. If we are to produce robust answers, these questions must be explored with the benefit of interdisciplinary insight. In this conversation, law meets sociology in an attempt to lay the foundation for confronting some of these challenges. Tatiana Cutts (@TatianaCutts) is Assistant Professor of Law, LSE Law. Nigel Dodd (@nigelbdodd) is Professor of Sociology, LSE. Eva Micheler is Associate Professor in Law, LSE Law. Philipp Paech is Assistant Professor of Law, LSE Law. Jo Braithwaite is Associate Professor of Law at LSE Law. LSE Law (@lselaw) is an integral part of the School's mission, plays a major role in policy debates & in the education of lawyers and law teachers from around the world.

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