We’re Live. Technical difficulties, what? John mentions he is sitting again because he has been running 5miles in the morning. Josh says the pine box is the solution to standing desks, and such so call health alternatives to work.
Chuck mentions he was on .NetRocks podcast. Chuck mention they talk about the Finding A Job course he created a while back. John talks about being on .NetRock podcast to gain some traffic to products, but it was not a whole lot traffic.
Chuck say people keep asking him about the Ruby Rogues issues awhile back. John says Chuck should ignore it or explode it as a reenactment on YouTube. EntreProgrammers talk about death threats and Net Neutrality.
Josh talks about what the what Net Neutrality would be mean in the long term or if is really mattered. Chuck says the government should stay out of it and let the kid figure it out.
Josh asks how much drama are you willing to deal with to Chuck. Express yourself more. John talks about the Girl who did the fat shaming video and another on ADHD. John says to take you pant off instead of your shirt during the podcast. John talks about how to handle a situation and buying into a reality.
Josh talks about reading T Rex vs. VS Raptor, and make s some strong connections. Chuck talk about being ahead in the podcast recordings and having his team to more to help the podcast request for guests.
Chuck talks about the current situations and goals for scheduling podcasts sponsors. Also his plans for schedule team members on Asana. John and Josh talk about missing a check or having a 6-week delay in getting the money.
EntreProgrammers figure out the missing money situation on air. Josh talks about their giveaway on Sublime text. Josh talks about their Drip setup and plans for the giveaway. Josh talks about IntelliJ.
John talks about the death threats and funny emails he gets about refunds. John talks about a refund with a very convincing customer, and blacklisting this dude, kinda. More talk about weeding out scammers and refunds. John talks more about future videos he is producing for Simple Programmer.
Josh talks about Thinkful. Also, the comparison of those who go to college, have a degree, and could earn million dollars more in their lifetime. More talk about product sales.
Josh talks about turning one of Johns coaching calls into an email to gain audience and sales. John talks about bringing in sales on YouTube. Chuck is cracking jokes about twitter and youtube.
Thoughts of the Week
John - Keep pushing
Chuck - Find someone who knows this stuff to help you
Josh - Short-term goals
📆 2018-01-03 13:33 / ⌛ 01:06:54
📆 2017-12-27 07:29 / ⌛ 01:13:40
📆 2017-12-19 06:19 / ⌛ 01:07:01
📆 2017-12-12 15:29 / ⌛ 01:09:16
📆 2017-12-05 06:18 / ⌛ 01:13:16