Soft Skills Engineering

Episode 106: Working From Home Without Rotting and Meetup Etiquette

Soft Skills Engineering

Dave and Jamison answer these questions:

  1. Since working remotely I’ve noticed a trend to do things like not leaving the house, growing my beard out to above average length, or not wearing (real) pants. What should I do to keep from losing any/all interpersonal skills?
  2. Is there such a thing as meetup etiquette? When I attend meetups and attempt to initiate conversion with people, I’m hesitant to interrupt people who are in discussion with others. Should I wait, try to join the discussion or just barge in on the conversion?

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Soft Skills Engineering

Episode 103: Team Dynamics and Bad Code @ Soft Skills Engineering

📆 2018-03-31 21:00 / 00:30:35