Ambiance à Congo (No. 1)

During the 1980's, Rumba Congolaise evolved a new sound as a result of growing Pan-African and international markets as well as changing musical technologies and aesthetics. This series, as a follow up to the "Kinshasa Nairobi Express" series, can be seen as a link between the more lyrical Cuban influenced Rumbas of the preceding decade, and the high energy, electronically profuse Soukous of decades to come.
1. Pamelo Mounka - Amour, Quand tu me Prends
2. Bumba Massa - Africa Musica
3. Bopol Mansiamina - Titiana
4. Didi Raphael Loubia - C'est Beau ton Pays
5. Orchestre Makassy - Mke Wangu
6. Franco et TP OK Jazz - Tres Impoli
7. Orchestre Super Mazembe - Shauri Yako
8. Franco et TP OK Jazz - Belle Mere
9. M'bilia Bel et Tabu Ley Rochereau - Sima Ngai