Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill

The Secrets of American Power

Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill

California Rep. Ro Khanna tells us he is ready to invoke the War Powers Act in an effort to stop military action in Venezuela.Β 

New York Times reporter Charlie Savage discusses the rise of the unitary executive theory and how Attorney General William Barr could impact the Trump scandals and U.S. national security policy.

Carol Rosenberg, the only journalist covering the Guantanamo prison and trials full-time, joins us for a wide-ranging conversation. She discusses 17 years of reporting, controversies around prosecuting detainees, and the evidence that Haspel's covert career included a stint at GTMO. Β 

Jordan Carver, the author of β€œSpaces of Disappearance: the Architecture of Extraordinary Rendition,” takes us on an audio journey mapping the covert CIA program.


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Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill

Regime Change We Can Believe In @ Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill

πŸ“† 2019-02-20 12:00 / βŒ› 01:29:56